The paediatricians at Pikkujätti are experts in children’s diseases. They listen, observe and study the child’s symptoms and aim to find out their cause. Booking an appointment with a paediatrician is always a good idea if you have any worries about your child. You can also find in Pikkujätti general practitioners who have experience working with children.
What does a paediatrician do?
A paediatrician specialises in the health and well-being of children and young people. One of the most important tools of a paediatrician is listening. The paediatrician listens to both the child and the parents and tries to learn all they can about the symptoms. A baby or a small child is not able to explain their symptoms, so any information the parents can provide is important.
When a child falls ill, many factors affect their symptoms and, consequently, the interpretation of the symptoms and the treatment. A paediatrician observes the behaviour of the child or young person and aims to understand the reason for the symptoms at the appointment.
In addition to the child’s medical history and information obtained from the child or parents, the paediatrician examines the child or young person and, if necessary, refers them to additional tests, such as laboratory tests or imaging.
Illnesses can produce various symptoms, depending on the child’s age and stage of development. Many illnesses or injuries heal easier in children and young people than in adults. However, it is important that the illness or injury is treated correctly from the beginning so that it does not cause further problems later when the child grows.
When to see a paediatrician?
Booking an appointment with a paediatrician is always a good idea if you have any worries about your child. A paediatrician will always take your concerns seriously. As children have a limited ability to express their symptoms and ailments, parents are advised to not hesitate to contact a paediatrician if they suspect any health issues. The younger the child, the more important it is to make an appointment with a paediatrician if there are even the smallest suspicions of an illness or injury.
The most common reasons to make an appointment with a paediatrician include:
- fever, cough, symptoms of an infection
- suspected ear infection
- suspected urinary tract infection
- rash, suspected allergy
- headache
- stomach ache, diarrhoea or constipation
- weepiness
You can also discuss with the paediatrician any concerns related to the development of the child, vaccinations, sleep problems or other health concerns.
In paediatrics, ‘child’ refers to children or young people until adulthood or until the end of their growth and development. Many customers stop going to their paediatrician when they reach the age of majority, but many paediatricians like to keep in touch with their patients until young adulthood because they are well acquainted with the patient’s history. This is also beneficial if the child or young person has contracted a rare childhood disease that requires close care.
What happens at an appointment with a paediatrician?
There is no need to particularly prepare for an appointment with a paediatrician, especially if the child already has an idea of what happens at doctor’s appointments. If the child is nervous or scared, it is a good idea to help them process their feelings before the appointment with books and videos, for example.
If the child has a long-term illness or an illness that has affected their growth, please bring with you the child’s growth information and/or charts. Remember to also bring documentation of previous tests or procedures and information on long-term medication.
It is safest for a small child to be held by an adult during the appointment, and the adult can also stay close if the child has to be examined or treated on the examination table.
After reviewing the child’s medical history and interviewing the child and/or patients, the paediatrician usually carries out an examination which almost always includes listening to the heart and lungs, looking into the ears, mouth and throat, and often also palpation of the abdomen.
If the paediatrician refers the child to further tests, they are usually carried out immediately, after which you will return to the paediatrician’s office to hear the results. The treatment and possible follow-up measures are planned at the same time.
Many usual laboratory tests can be performed gently; for example, a blood sample can be taken from the child’s fingertip. However, larger blood samples must be taken as with adults, in other words through a vein. Pikkujätti’s laboratory nurses are professionals in taking samples from children and they make the sampling process easy.
What types of illnesses and injuries can be treated at a remote appointment with a paediatrician?
Paediatricians also offer remote services, but we recommend coming to the clinic for appointments whenever possible. It is easier to examine the symptoms of a child or young person at the clinic.
However, remote appointments are a good option in many situations. Remote appointments can be used to decide on treatment or follow-up, or the paediatrician can refer the patient to further tests. A remote appointment can also help the paediatrician assess whether the patient should come to the clinic.
Paediatrician chat Pikkutsätti
PikkuTsätti is a paediatricians’ chat service that can be used remotely.
Telephone consultation with a paediatrician
A telephone consultation is an easy way to contact a paediatrician when coming to the clinic is challenging.
Video appointment with a paediatrician
Some paediatricians also offer video appointments. Video appointments with a paediatrician can be used for the same issues as other remote appointments.
Booking an appointment
Book an appointment for a physical appointment or a telephone appointment with a paediatrician by using Pikkujätti’s online booking system or by calling our helpdesk at 010 380 8000.
Book a video appointment with a paediatrician by calling our helpdesk at 010 380 8000.