Pikkujätti Espoo Tapiola

Länsituuli 12, 02100 Espoo

Book an appointment

Welcome to Pikkujätti Tapiola in Espoo

At Pikkujätti Tapiola Espoo, a specialist medical centre for children and young people, you can find specialists’ services and laboratory services, a procedure and surgery ward for children and an allergy unit. Pikkujätti opened in the centre of Tapiola 1987, and from the start of 2021 we have operated in a newly renovated and spacious facility in Shopping Centre Ainoa.


  • Mon–Fri 8.00–20.00
  • Sat–Sun 10.00–17.00

Open hours during summer 23.6-11.8.24

  • Mon-Thu 8.00-20.00
  • Fri 8.00-16.00
  • Sat-Sun 10.00-16.00


Pikkujätti Tapiola is located on the 3rd floor of the so-called old part of Shopping Centre Ainoa in the centre of Tapiola, Espoo. Aava Medical Centre operates in the same facilities.

Public transportation

The Tapiola metro station and bus terminals have an indoor connection to the first building of Shopping Centre Ainoa through floors 1 and M with the Tree lift.

M level: Take the escalator close to the Emma statue (Länsituuli) from the metro platform to M level and follow the Ainoa signs through bus platforms 1–7 to Ainoa. You can find the Tree lift close to the entrance to the grocery shops (K-supermarket and Herkku), opposite Subway. The lift will take you to the reception of Pikkujätti on the third floor.

Level 1: When arriving from the bus terminal, follow the signs Oral and Stadium to find the Tree lift close to Kaisan Cafe and Stadium. Take the Tree lift or the escalator to the reception of Pikkujätti on the third floor.

Street level: When arriving from the bus terminal or the metro, you can also enter the Ainoa 1 building from the outside. Use the entrance close to Cafe Tarina and take the escalator or the Tree lift to the Pikkujätti reception on the third floor.


Tapiola Park has 2,000 parking spaces. When driving to Pikkujätti, choose the Tapiolantie roundabout from the east, drive into the parking area P0 and park your car as close to area A as possible to enter the shopping centre (the sign above the entrance reads Stockmann, Tapiolan keskus, Ainoa). You can find the Tree lift close to the entrance to the grocery shops (K-supermarket and Herkku), opposite Subway. The lift will take you to the reception of Pikkujätti on the third floor.

Sign up for the AINOA and Taskuparkki apps for one hour of free parking at Tapiola Park. After the one free hour, the parking will cost 2 EUR the first hour and then 1 EUR/30 min according to the normal price list. For more information, please visit: www.ainoatapiola.fi/en/how-to-arrive

You can also find an outdoor parking area subject to a fee at the corner of Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden.


Länsituuli 12, 02100 Espoo

Phone numbers

Customer service 010 380 8000
Fax 010 380 8099

Contact persons

Leena Pohtamo
Head of Unit