PikkuTsätti Chat Service
Chat service is closed during Christmas 24.–27.12.
PikkuTsätti, Pikkujätti’s chat service is now available in Pikkujätti App. Download from AppStore or GooglePlay.
With the PikkuTsätti service, you can quickly contact a paediatrician from your home or while abroad – wherever you are, all you need is an Internet connection!
In PikkuTsätti, you can talk about all issues related to the child’s health or disease with a paediatrician. You can also send photographs via PikkuTsätti.
The doctor can write an electronic prescription. Please note that antibiotics, for example, for ear inflammation or sinusitis cannot be prescribed through the chat. It is also not possible to provide medical certificates in the PikkuTsätti service.
PikkuTsätti is not intended for emergencies or other urgent care required by the child.
PikkuTsätti’s opening hours are on
Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
PikkuTsätti’s paediatricians aim to reply immediately when you have written the message in the service. If the service is busy, it may take a moment for you to receive a response but no longer than 30 minutes. Do not close the PikkuTsätti chat discussion or the browser during the discussion.
PikkuTsätti operates in a secured environment. You can identify yourself with your personal online banking IDs or a mobile ID. We use real-time verification of the right for acting on behalf of the child from the population register, and as a guardian you can act on behalf of your underage child. Young people can also manage their own affairs (or together with their guardians), if they are using strong identification tools.
The service asks your payment card information upon registration and makes a cover reservation. After using the service, your consultation will be charged from your payment card and you will receive a receipt to the email address provided by you.
The price of the service is on weekdays EUR 74/contact, on weekends and Sundays EUR 94/contact (the fee includes all the messages and possible prescriptions).
Please note that you should not close the PikkuTsätti chat discussion or the browser during the discussion.